An UPDATE on the Rotary Playground Fire

The Yakima Rotary Playground was built in the summer of 2021.   With the help of an estimated 700 community members and more than 6,400 volunteer hours our community came together to put this new playground together in record-breaking heat, over an 11-day period.

On Sunday morning, March 24,2024, a fire destroyed our beloved Yakima Rotary Playground.  This playground replaced the historic McGuire Playground, which was nearly 28 years old. We are heartbroken for our community, our volunteers and the families that visited frequently.   Fortunately, the Southend of the playground was saved and is open for you to enjoy.

AT this time, there is no current plan to replace the playground.  We are in discussion with many in our community and will update you as soon as we can.

Thank you to everyone that helped make this playground and the memories it created for so many.

 Words can honestly not express how much appreciate each and every one of you.



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